
Our utility copters bring greater utility to autonomous aerial logistics.

The light aircraft and type-certified engine, enables greater flight time endurance for a multitude of applications, powered by the proven Digital Displacement® transmission technology.

We enable autonomy in the dull, dirty and dangerous logistic environments where weight and robustness are everything.

About the utility copters

Introducing a completely new class of aircraft, designed to be compatible with industry standards, our high capability platforms deliver proven advanced technologies from across multiple industrial sectors to autonomous aerial logistics, carrying payloads further for longer.

Established supply lines benefit from new scheduling and new routes are created by the “autonomous pickup truck in the sky”. 

Using low cost, robust, proven hydraulic motors combined with our revolutionary Digital Displacement® pump technology, we unlock a world-beating autonomous aircraft in terms of lift capacity, endurance, range and cost.

With these unique attributes our utility copters can be your go-to aerial vehicles for applications such as inspection, logistics, crop spraying, search and rescue, replacing the use of manned helicopters reducing both risk and cost in your operations.

Ease of connectivity & configuration

Our aircraft can connect to and communicate with established control systems.

Additional accessory configurations are possible such as different cameras, radars, evacuation beds, controllable baskets or spay arms.

Low logistics footprint

Your utility copter is both quick and easy to deploy from a trailer, having no hanger requirement and  low mobilisation costs.

Reliable maintenance & support channels

Assembled from readily available and market tested components, you benefit from a reliable European supply chain with fully established support channels.

Power System

The power systems have been subject to rigorous testing outdoors in all conditions (including offshore). Initially tested within the large scale forestry application, the step change for autonomous aircraft was the innovative idea to apply the revolutionary Digital Displacement® pump to provide hydraulic power to turn rotors with the pump powered by a conventional aircraft engine.

Intellectual Property

The technology is secured within an extensive intellectual property portfolio including UK, EU China, Canada and USA.

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